Netflix Releases Official Discord Bot

Netflix Releases Official Discord Bot
Netflix has finally released its official Discord application to help you discover shows and movies without leaving Discord.

With the release and official rollout of the new App Directory feature, Discord has revealed a new application that was officially made by Netflix. On one of the recent Discord Blogs, Discord mentioned the release of their new feature – App Directory. It is the new way for Discord server owners and admins to find applications (formerly known as Bots) for their servers. While checking out this rolling-out rare feature, users noticed the mention of official Bots. One of which was Hey, Netflix – the official Netflix Discord application.

Hey, Netflix

For any of those who are questioning the fact: Hey, Netflix is an official Discord bot that does not break any TOS of both services.

Hey, Netflix on App Directory

The Developers

It was later confirmed that Netflix 'commissioned' their official bot from the developer of an already existing popular Discord bot. Netflix reached out the developers of the well-known multipurpose Discord bot – Hydra.

The developers of Hey, Netflix: Xavinlol#0001 & rxsto#1234 were officially contracted by Netflix to build this bot. This was done under the supervision of Netflix employees cparajon#1507 & kingcyrusking#7970.

Many people found it odd that the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy pages led to the domain, however it was later revealed that the files/pages were allowed to be hosted on Hydra's domain with heynetflix as the subdomain.

Bot's function & public's disappointment

The bot (for now at least) can now only suggest what to watch on Netflix. 'The official Netflix app helps you discover new shows and movies to watch and let you discuss together. It only recommends titles that are available in everyone’s home country, and it automatically opens a new channel for you to react in real time without spoiling anything for others on your server'.

As many would expect it cannot let you watch Netflix on Discord – which would be a really interesting feature. Due to business issues, it cannot be the same as YouTube's Watch Together because Netflix is a paid subscription based streaming site whereas YouTube is free to watch for everyone but with ads.

The mass was majorly disappointed while checking out the application because of its 'misleading description'.

Hey, Netflix page on App Directory

It seems like many people thought the bot would allow them to watch Netflix together with their friends in a voice channel. Which certainly wasn't the case because it's release would be a big deal amongst the Discord's socials – while in this case, Discord has only mentioned it just for one sentence, buried down in a blog.

Future plans?

Xavin, one of the developers of the application, says "It's just for recommendations at the moment" via Hey, Netflix | Support Server.

No future plans for the application has been announced by either of the parties. Would you be interested in a Discord x Netflix collaboration?

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!