Your Discord Server Will Never Be A Discord Partner — Here’s Why

You need to read this article if you own a new general lounge or meta community on Discord. I’m not here to demotivate you, but rather a harsh truth that you need to come to terms with.

Over the past few months, it’s blindly obvious that META communities and general-“make friends”-“chill”-lounge servers are on an exponential rise. Everyday I wake up with the announcement of a new meta “one stop shop for everything Discord” servers.

The market for meta-Discord communities have become so saturated, that 
it’s getting boring really.

The Non-Originality Problem


New Discord users — not knowing what server to create, and not being aware of the fact that not creating a server is an option — end up creating a make-friends general community lounge.

Which is totally fine of course. After all the largest non-partner Discord server, Jet’s Dream World, is a general community server. My point being, the market is over saturated. There are millions of servers on Discord and a better part of them are community servers, general lounges, and social hangouts.

However, it’s worth mentioning that the pioneers of this genre have already dominated the market. It’s very very hard to grow if you don’t have the right connections or a partner to lean on to grow. Or if you have an active audience on other social platforms (YouTube, Twitch, etc) you can make people flow into your Discord. But there’s no guarantee it will stay active forever. If the people that joined the server and found out that it’s not what they expected, they will be gone in a heartbeat and the server will end up dying altogether. This is why it is never said enough: If your only goal with your server is to get partnered, don’t create it at all.

This is one of the reasons why I think any new servers on this genre will ever be a Discord Partner. The way Discord have grown these past few years, they have probably changed the way the accept their partners. And it’s my theory that they have officially started to value originality over anything. Though I would love your thoughts on this.


A meta server on Discord is one that is focused on the platform and its community, i.e. sharing resources, unofficial support, feedback, and more. Like general lounges, this market has also been over saturated by the rise of the same type of meta communities with 0 originality.

There are several big-name meta communities on Discord and meet every expectation anyone would have from such a community. Competing against them is a tough game that brings no worth if your community does not have any original twist — something that your community has, and the current ones don’t.

How To Be Original

It’s impossible. One can never be 100% original. Many painters and geniuses believe that truly original content does not exist.

But that does not mean you cannot distinct yourself from your competitors. Taking the uniqueness of your competitor and making it your uniqueness is a bad way to go about dealing with them.

  • Add your twist: Nobody owns a genre and you are allowed to take your roles in a particular genre. However, make sure to add your own twist into your community if you are serious and want it to succeed.
  • Be dedicated: I think not enough people mention the works that comes when you decide to make a public community on Discord. There’s a ton to manage and the pressure is all on you. You have to be dedicated.
  • This ones worth a separate article, coming soon make sure to stay tuned.